
Friday 17 June 2011

Day 442. Setbacks pushed aside.

Small things went wrong yesterday topped off with a flat battery at the end of the day. I'd be lying if the latter didn't get to me a bit but I shrugged it off and moved on. However it did have it's plus side. My eldest daughter (stroppy) is not talking to me at the moment. In spite of my attempts to resolve this she has remained resolute. Anyway I phoned a couple of friends to come to get me back on the road but they were out. So as a last resort I phoned Stroppy and surprise, she came to my rescue. We chatted a little and now there appears to be light  at the end of that particular tunnel.

I seem to be entering a new phase. Being far more resilient to set backs and just focusing on the here and now with the occasional look up towards the future. I am still in the financial poo. So this resilience is not dew to me being financial secure. In fact if anything, it's borne out of continuing tough times on all levels. I guess my head's just decided enough is enough and stepped up a gear. I wish you all a good weekend.

Onwards and upwards in the pursuit of happyness :~)

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