
Thursday 10 February 2011

Day 314. Well that ended pretty quickly.

Got up this morning, got ready for work Sat on the couch to drink my coffee and that was it. Didn't move till lunchtime. I'm at a loss to explain why. I guess it started to creep in yesterday and I guess I spotted it then but then didn't do anything about it. Not that I'd know what to do.

I'm generally happy. My relationship with MissG is going well. There's a bit of work coming in and I'm just meeting my financial obligations. The latest job is challenging but not overwhelming. I'm eating well not drinking much either. This blog helps me straighten out my thinking and I sleep ok (but do go to bed far too late). So why does my mood change so quickly????????????????????????????

I'll think no more about it now and come back to it tomorrow in the next thrilling adventure of "Beating  my Depression" . Actually I have noticed my attention span is very short at the moment!

So I definitely need a "Star of the Day" today. Someone to lift and inspire me.

Robert the Bruce (1274 - 1330)

Robert the Bruce was crowned King of Scotland in 1306 but almost immediately had to go into hiding when the English invaded his country. After many months of constant movement to avoid the invaders, Bruce hid in a cave when he was at his lowest ebb. There he watched a spider try to spin its web from one part of the cave roof to another. Six times it tried and six times it failed. On the seventh attempt it succeeded. Bruce took this to be a message that he should not give up his struggle to free Scotland from the English. He was eventually victorious at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 when the Scots soundly defeated a much large English army.
It's also said that his Mother locked his Father up until he agreed to marry her. I doubt Bob gave his mum any trouble.

Onwards and upwards :~)

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